Clever Ways You Can Tell What Someone Thinks About You

body language

You don't have to talk to people in order to understand them. Every person has hidden signals that let you know more about their personality traits, what they are going through, and how interested they are in talking with you.

How to assess people's body language

If someone pinches the bridge of his nose, this means that he is evaluating you in a negative way. If he takes a broad stance with his shoulders pushed back, you can guess that he is probably a brave and decisive person.

What the person in front of you may be thinking.

When someone touches their ear, it means that they are indecisive or hesitant about something. However, if their head is hung low when the person is being praised, it means that the person does not have enough confidence in themselves.

Learn the most common mistakes people make with their body when in public

If someone nods their head as you speak, they are interested in the conversation. If they use a lot of gesture, then they are not interested in the conversation, but don’t want to hurt your feelings by cutting it off. If they are using their hands and the palm is facing upward, there must be an open moment and you can continue talking.

An interpretation of the person's posture and expression

Signs that someone is agreeing with you during a conversation include if the person nods their head to emphasize what you're saying and rubbing his neck, but signs that the person does not agree are when he is rubbing his neck and keeps his arms close to himself.

Get your feelings across with body language

If someone points at someone, they might be either respecting or disrespecting them. Pointing your arm towards someone usually means that you're in charge.

How analytics can reveal the thoughts of others

If someone looks into your eyes while they're talking to you and this makes you feel uncomfortable, then they are probably lying.

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