How to get rid of flatulence at home

How to get rid of flatulence at home

Causes of flatulence

Though farting is a common experience, it is often embarrassing and stressful. Flatulence may be caused by eating some problems in the digestive system and stomach and may be caused by eating some foods.


Beans are known to cause gas and flatulence, mostly due to colitis sufferers.

Dairy is Known to Cause Excessive Yelping

Lactose intolerance can cause bloating and other digestive problems. 3 in 4 people suffer from this problem.

Dairy is prohibited on a keto diet. Products such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream are not allowed.

3 Soft Drinks That Cause Flatulence

Soft drinks are recommended to be avoided and replaced with natural juices because they create flatulence and gases.

Foods high in fiber that cause flatulence

If the grain is particularly high in fiber, it can sometimes be difficult to digest. And off-field grains, which are broken down into smaller pieces during processing because of the lack of baking or boiling, can still be high in insoluble fiber.

Wheat/barley gluten leads to digestive problems in people with celiac disease.

Some vegetables can cause gas

This type of cabbage can cause you to feel bloated, with too many vitamins. It is part of the same family as broccoli and Brussels cabbage.

Ways to relieve flatulence

Bloating is uncomfortable, and can cause problems like gas and decreased ability to concentrate. It usually happens because of air in the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract), but it could be caused by other reasons as well. If you want to get rid of bloating, there are some home remedies that might help on 

Abdominal massage

Gently massaging your abdomen can help to release gas. Massages should follow the path of the large intestine, and be done in a circular motion.

hot shower

A hot bath is a good way to relieve bloating and abdominal pain, as well as help you get rid of built-up gases. Hot baths can help reduce stress in the digestive system and make it function better.

reduce fiber

Adding more fiber like fruits or vegetables to your diet can help prevent bloating. The recommended amount of fiber is 25 grams for females, and 38 grams for males.

Soft drinks

Yes, there are foods and drinks that can help with bloating. For instance, if you're feeling full, eating green tea can help release gas more easily.

How to avoid flatulence

To feel better immediately, light exercises like walking or yoga can help to relieve the gas buildup that makes you feel full or upset.

Herbs that will help you get rid of flatulence

Eating at the wrong time, consuming unhealthy food, and not eating a proper diet can lead to bloating.

herbs to prevent gas and bloating

Some easy and simple diet changes can help get rid of stomach aches and digestive problems. There are many herbs in the kitchen that may help if you're suffering from bloating.


Chamomile is a popular medicine for stomach problems, it helps calm inflammation and also prevents ulcers. Have an easy tea to relieve digestive distress.

Dill helped this woman get a better night's sleep

Dill is soother for the stomach; it has some unmatched anti-inflammatory effect that repairs the lining of the stomach.


Fennel seeds can help prevent constipation by relaxing the muscles of the intestines and stomach, reducing gas caused by indigestion.


Basil leaf extract reduces gastric swelling in mice who suffer from gastritis.


In Indian cuisine, cumin is an important component and can treat problems with digestion, acidity, and indigestion.

What parsley cures

Parsley is rich in diuretic which helps to increase the loss of water and salt from the body and is excellent for helping to relieve gas pains.

Is mint as effective as it claims to be for fighting bloating and gas?

Peppermint is great at combating the symptoms of indigestion, including gas buildup and inflammation. The oils in peppermint leaves carry such compounds as eucalyptol, menthol, and thymol.

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