The Five Biggest Influences On The Upbringing Of Children

The Five Biggest Influences On The Upbringing Of Children

There are many factors that can affect the upbringing of a child, and in this article we dive into those. We cover five of the biggest influences on childhood and what you can do to have a positive impact on your own children.


The family is the most basic unit of society and the primary socializing agents for children. It is within the family that children learn about values, attitudes, and beliefs. The family also provides children with physical and emotional care and support.

While the family is the most important influence on children, there are other factors that play a role in their upbringing. These include the media, schools, peers, and community. Each of these influences can have a positive or negative impact on children depending on how they are used.

  • The media is a powerful force in society. It can be used to educate and inform children about the world around them. However, it can also be used to manipulate and influence children’s behavior. Therefore, it is important for parents to monitor what their children are watching and listening to.
  • Schools play a vital role in shaping children’s lives. They provide an environment where children can learn and grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Teachers and administrators must be mindful of the impact they have on students’ lives and work to create positive learning experiences for all students.
  • Peers are another important influence in children’s lives. Children learn how to interact with others by observing and imitating those around them. They also learn how to form relationships through trial and error. As such, it is important for parents to choose their child’s friends wisely and provide guidance on how to interact with others appropriately.

Biological Parents

It's no secret that parents have a big influence on their children. But what about biological parents? How do they influence their children's upbringing?

  • There are many ways that biological parents can influence their children's upbringing. One way is through their genes. Studies have shown that children inherit many of their traits from their parents, including things like intelligence and personality. So it stands to reason that if your biological parents are intelligent and outgoing, you're more likely to be the same way.
  • Another way that biological parents can influence their children is through their behavior. If you grow up seeing your parents behaving in a certain way, you're more likely to adopt those behaviors yourself. For example, if your parents are always arguing with each other, you're more likely to argue with your own partner when you grow up. Or if your parents are always putting work before family, you may find yourself doing the same thing.
  • Biological parents also have a big influence on their children's emotional development. Children who have warm and loving relationships with their parents tend to be more emotionally secure and well-adjusted than those who don't. So if you want your child to grow up to be happy and well-adjusted, make sure you create a loving home environment for them.
  • Finally, biological parents also play a role in shaping their children's values and beliefs. As your child grows up, they'll look to you for guidance on what's important in life. If you instill


There are a number of things that can influence the upbringing of children, but five of the most significant are:

  1. The school they attend – This can play a big role in shaping a child’s character, values and outlook on life.
  2. Their parents – Obviously, parents have a huge impact on their children. They are the ones who provide love, support and guidance.
  3. Their peers – Friends and other children can have a big influence on how a child grows up. They can be a positive or negative influence depending on who they are and what kind of values they have.
  4. The media – What children see and hear in the media can affect them greatly. It is important to monitor what they are exposed to and make sure it is age-appropriate.
  5. Their environment – The environment in which children live (e.g., neighborhood, community, etc.) can also play a role in their upbringing.


The family is the most basic unit of society, and the primary caretakers of children are their parents. The role of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives can also be significant in a child’s life. Friends, teachers, coaches, and others who interact regularly with children also play an important role in their development.

The community in which a child lives can have a big impact on their upbringing. Children who live in poverty or unsafe neighborhoods may face challenges that other children do not. Children who grow up in supportive communities with good schools and recreation facilities tend to have better outcomes than those who do not.

The media is another big influence on the upbringing of children. Children are exposed to a constant barrage of messages through television, movies, music, and the internet. Some of these messages can be positive and helpful, while others can be negative and harmful. It is important for parents to monitor their children’s media consumption and help them interpret what they see and hear.

The government also has a role to play in the upbringing of children. Laws and policies related to education, healthcare, welfare, and other areas can impact the lives of children positively or negatively. The government also sets standards for businesses that produce products or provide services aimed at children, such as food companies and toy manufacturers.

Finally, religious institutions can be a major influence on the upbringing of children. Families who belong to a particular faith often instill its values


The media is one of the most influential factors in the upbringing of children. The images, messages, and values that children see in the media can have a profound impact on their development.

Research has shown that the media can influence children’s beliefs and behaviors in a number of ways. For example, exposure to violence in the media can desensitize children to violence in real life and lead them to believe that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflict. Studies have also found that children who are exposed to a lot of sexual content in the media are more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors.

While the media can have negative effects on children, it can also be a positive force in their lives. Children who see positive role models in the media are more likely to develop positive self-esteem and healthy body image. Exposure to diverse perspectives and cultures can also help children develop tolerance and respect for others.

parents need to be aware of the potentially harmful effects of the media on their children and take steps to counterbalance those effects with positive influences. One way to do this is by monitoring what your child watches, reads, or plays online or on TV, and talking with them about what they see. You can also provide them with alternative options that offer more positive messages and values.


It's no secret that children are influenced by the people around them, but it's important to understand just how much of an impact these influences can have. From parents and caregivers to teachers and peers, the people in a child's life play a big role in shaping who they become. As parents, we need to be aware of the influence we have on our children and make sure we are providing them with the best possible upbringing. With that in mind, here are five of the biggest influences on the upbringing of children:

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