Navigating the German Health Insurance System as an Expat 2023

expat health insurance germany

Are you an expat living in Germany and struggling to understand the ins and outs of the health insurance system? We've all been there! Trying to navigate a foreign healthcare system can be daunting, but don't worry - we're here to help.

In this blog post, we'll guide you through everything you need to know about getting insured, choosing the right plan for your needs, and making the most out of your German healthcare experience. Get ready to feel confident and empowered as a member of the German health insurance community!

Introduction to the German Health Insurance System

If you're an expat moving to Germany, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the German health insurance system. In this blog post, we'll give you a detailed introduction to the German health insurance system, including what types of coverage are available and how to choose the right plan for you.

Germany has a public health insurance system that is mandatory for all residents. There are over 100 public health insurance providers in Germany, which are overseen by the Federal Central Office for Health Insurance (Bundeszentralamt für Gesundheitsschutz).

There are two types of public health insurance in Germany: statutory health insurance (SHI) and private health insurance (PHI). Most residents opt for SHI, as it is generally cheaper than PHI. However, there are some situations in which PHI may be a better option. For example, if you are self-employed or earn a high income, you may not be eligible for SHI.

If you decide to go with SHI, you will need to choose from one of the over 100 SHI providers in Germany. Each provider offers different plans with different benefits and costs. You can use our compare tool to find the best SHI plan for your needs.

Once you have selected a plan, you will need to pay your monthly premium directly to the provider. In addition to your monthly premium, you will also have to pay a small co-payment (co-insurance

Types of Health Insurance in Germany

There are a number of different types of health insurance in Germany, and it can be confusing to know which one is right for you.

Here is a quick overview of the most common types of insurance:

  • Statutory health insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung, or GKV) is the most common type of health insurance in Germany. It is mandatory for everyone who works in Germany, unless they earn above a certain threshold (currently around €55,000 per year). Statutory health insurance covers a wide range of services, including hospital stays, doctor's visits, prescription drugs, and more.
  • Private health insurance (Privatkrankenversicherung, or PKV) is an alternative to statutory health insurance. It is typically more expensive than statutory health insurance, but it also often provides better coverage and access to private hospitals and clinics. Private health insurance is not mandatory in Germany, but some people opt for it if they feel that it will better meet their needs.

There are also a few other types of health insurance that are available in Germany, such as student health insurance and travel insurance. You can learn more about these options on the German Health Insurance Association website.

What Does Health Insurance Cover?

In Germany, there are two types of health insurance: public and private. Public health insurance is mandatory for everyone who lives and works in the country, while private health insurance is optional.

Both types of insurance cover a wide range of medical expenses, including doctor's visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, and preventive care.

Here is a more detailed look at what each type of insurance covers:

  • Doctor's visits: Most public health insurance plans cover the cost of primary care physician visits, as well as specialist visits. Some plans may require you to pay a small co-payment for these visits.
  • Hospital stays: If you need to be hospitalized for an illness or injury, your public health insurance will cover the cost of your stay. This includes the cost of your room and board, as well as any medical procedures or tests that you have while you are in the hospital.
  • Prescription drugs: Most public health insurance plans will cover the cost of prescription medications that you need to treat an illness or injury. However, some plans may require you to pay a small co-payment for these medications.
  • Preventive care: Many public health insurance plans offer coverage for preventive care services, such as vaccinations and routine physical exams. This coverage can help you avoid costly medical bills down the road.

How to Choose a Provider

When it comes to choosing a health insurance provider in Germany, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • First, you'll want to make sure that the provider you choose is reputable and has a good reputation in the German market. There are many different health insurance providers operating in Germany, so it's important to do your research before making a decision.
  • Another thing to consider is whether or not the provider offers coverage for expats. Some providers may only offer coverage for German citizens, so it's important to check this before signing up for a plan.
  • finally, you'll want to compare prices between different providers to make sure you're getting the best deal possible. Health insurance can be expensive, so it's important to shop around and compare rates before making a decision.

Exemptions for Expats

If you are an expat and working in Germany, you are required to have health insurance. However, there are a few exemptions. If you are employed by a foreign company with no German subsidiary and your salary is paid into a bank account outside of Germany, you may be exempt.

Additionally, if you are posted to Germany for a limited time by a foreign company or organization, you may also be exempt. If you are a student from a non-EU country enrolled at a German university, you may be covered by your home country's insurance or by the German statutory health insurance system (if you meet certain requirements).

Cost and Coverage Considerations

The German health insurance system is a complex one, and there are a number of things to consider when it comes to cost and coverage.

Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  1. All residents of Germany, including expats, are required by law to have health insurance.
  2. There are a number of different types of health insurance available in Germany, and the costs can vary significantly.
  3. Most employer-provided health insurance plans will cover the majority of medical expenses, but there may be some out-of-pocket costs depending on the plan.
  4. It is important to compare different health insurance plans carefully before making a decision, as coverage can vary greatly.
  5. When it comes to cost and coverage, the German healthcare system is definitely something that takes some getting used to. But with a little research and planning, you can find a plan that works for you and your family.

Government Subsidies

The German health insurance system is a complex one, and expats may find themselves struggling to navigate it. One area that can be particularly confusing is government subsidies.

There are a number of different subsidies available from the government, and each has its own eligibility requirements. Some of the more common subsidies include:

  1. The Pflegeversicherung (nursing care insurance)
  2. The Krankenversicherung (health insurance)
  3. The Rentenversicherung (pension insurance)
  4. The Arbeitslosenversicherung (unemployment insurance)

Each of these subsidies has different rules and regulations regarding who is eligible and how much money is available. It is important to do your research and understand the requirements before applying for any subsidy.


As an expat in Germany, navigating the German health insurance system can be a daunting task. However, by understanding the basics of the German public and private health insurances, getting adequate coverage for yourself is achievable.

It's important to do your research on different plans available to you as there will likely be one that fits your needs best. With a little bit of knowledge and exploration of options, finding suitable health insurance won't have to feel like such a challenge!

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